Saving Money Is Back In Style (Infographic)

by Jodi Jae 23. February 2012 04:32

Asa Candler of Coca Cola was the first to hand out coupons to potential customers in 1888. Ever since, thrifty shoppers around the world have collected and clipped coupons and printed daily deal vouchers in effort to keep spending to a minimum and maximize their paychecks. But even though there are a record number of coupons, daily deals and money saving buys available, we’re just not taking advantage of all that’s out there. recently shared this infographic with us, which displays clearly the number of coupons and money saving deals offered to shoppers versus the amount we’re actually cashing in.

Last year, $470 billion was offered in coupons to U.S. consumers, and only $4.6 billion or 0.98% of offered savings was actually redeemed. And while $2,504 or 48 times actual redeemed savings was offered to each American adult internet user, only 47% of internet users redeemed a coupon last year.



And while this infographic details the money saving habits of traditional and digital coupon users, we see the same trends happening in the daily deal market. John Diser-Reed is a financial consultant in San Francisco and he believes major savings are passing the average shopper by. “Saving money is back in style, but you have to work at it. Coupons, daily deal vouchers and digital discounts are where you can get the highest return for your money,” said Diser-Reed.

Are you cashing in?



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