How to Make Absolutely Certain You Use All Your Daily Deal Vouchers

by Jodi Jae 2. December 2011 15:47

Are you using all the daily deal vouchers you’ve purchased?

In April of this year, Time Magazine reported that 1 in 5 group buying deals go unused. Vinicius Vacanti, Yipip CEO, is quoted as saying that "anywhere between 10% and 30% of deals aren’t redeemed." That’s a lot of money down the drain. Care to maximize your daily deal buys? Here are four ways to do just that.

1.  Make plans now

Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. --Thomas Jefferson

Procrastination leads us to stick daily deal vouchers in a drawer or wallet and forget about them until they’ve reached their expiration date. You can avoid this common mistake by committing your voucher to action the moment you purchase it. Did you buy dinner for two at a fancy restaurant? Make reservations the second your sale is complete. Did you invest in a haircut and shampoo from your local spa? Call and schedule an appointment immediately.

2. Refrigerate it

For years, parents around the world have used their kitchen refrigerator to keep track of coupon expiration dates, their child’s drawings, invitations to special events and family photos. If your refrigerator is the central scheduling point in your home, print out your daily deal voucher, stick a magnet on it and get in on the fridge so you won’t forget about it.

3. Mark it on the calendar

If you schedule your life by calendar, pencil in your daily deal so the expiration date won’t pass you by. Daily deals can be added to a wall hanging calendar, Google Calendar, smartphone calendars and Day Planners.

4. Set up reminders

It’s easy to forget the expiration dates on daily deal vouchers when they’re months from today’s date. You can avoid letting a deal expire by reminding yourself that your daily deals will soon be outdated.

  • Use Google Calendar notifications.
  • Add reminders to apps like Remember the Milk.
  • Use reminder specific apps like Notify Me.
  • Send yourself a reminder email or text message with Cronote.
  • Add events to bookmarking services like
  • Keep track of deals purchased in the MyDealBoard Dashboard.

No matter how much money you save buying into that once-in-a-lifetime daily deal, unused vouchers are costly. This year, vow never to waste another daily deal.


Daily Deals

Comments (3) -

Deals of the day United States
12/22/2011 4:57:09 AM #

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john United States
1/14/2012 9:44:58 PM #

thanks for this

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