Henry Ford once said, "Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young."
It was that mindset that enabled Ford to hear his workers complaints about low wages and trouble making ends meet, learn from their difficult experiences, and adopt a labor philosophy that improved the lives of millions, and propelled Ford to the top of auto industry. As he was in much of his life, Ford was willing to learn from anything and everything that came his way.
Likewise, we can gain experience and life lessons from routine tasks we do all day long, including daily deal shopping. Don’t believe me? Here are four such lessons you can master while shopping today.
Lesson 1: Weigh your options
If you walk to the refrigerator each morning and take out the first ingredient you see, odds are good that you’ll be having eggs for breakfast. Now imagine having a fried egg for your morning meal every single day for the next year. Who does that? Thankfully, most of us open cupboards, peek in the freezer, and check out our options before making breakfast so we’re assured that we have a well-balanced, varied diet.
The same is true for daily deal shopping. If you go to the same social buying website day after day you’re staring at a lot of the same tired bargains. Daily deal aggregators open up your options and show you everything that’s out there and on sale in a concise and easy to use manner so you can make the most informed decisions.
Lesson 2: Use the simplest tool to get the job done
My neighbor prefers to use a snow blower to clear winter snow away from his small driveway and walkway and I use a shovel. For me, the shovel is a faster tool that also helps me burn a few calories. Neither tool is better, but there’s one tool that’s best for me.
You may like to get daily deals by email and your neighbor may abhor dealing with his inbox and fancy using an iPhone app instead. Both tools work, but one tool probably works better for you. Daily deal aggregators give you many ways to view the deals that matter most to you while doing away with deals you have no interest in.
Lesson 3: Act fast
Good deals don’t last forever; that’s why they’re called daily deals. Sit on a deal too long without grabbing the bull by the horns and you’ll miss out on a bargain that may not come around again.
Lesson 4: Enjoy life
It’s wise to be a frugal shopper and even wiser to keep your budget in check. Since you can save 30-95% on purchases by daily deal shopping, you can afford to splurge a little on yourself. Go ahead and take the family out to dinner or treat yourself to a mini vacation. If you’re a regular daily deal shopper, you have actually earned it.
Have you learned an important lesson while getting a good buy daily deal shopping? Please share it with us below.