Daily Deal Summit 2012 Plays Out in NYC This Month

by Jodi Jae 5. April 2012 10:59

Daily Deal Summit is a conference series that focuses on the future of local commerce. During the two-day event, attendees have a chance to meet innovative companies and top of executives in successful businesses, daily deal and couponing websites, and more.

The details

The Daily Deal Summit is an open event, meaning that anyone with an interest in meeting today's top players is invited to attend. There are more than 180 companies attending Daily Deal Summit this year, including:

· ★ Amazon.com

· ★ Angie’s List

· ★ Bargain.com

· ★ Daily Deal Media

· ★ JustDeals.com

· ★ MasterCard

· ★ My Coupon Don

· ★ Saveology.com

· ..and more!

Daily Deal Summit East is being held at the Crowne Plaza Times Square oin April 17-18, 2012 in New York City. The special two-day event will begin with a day of general sessions, where you can hear keynotes and critical discussions by some of today's top thought leaders. Day two will feature breakout sessions, where leaders and top companies in the industry talk shop and provide tactical advice about surviving and growing in the daily deal space.

Tickets are limited, so hurry to reserve your space. Tickets go up by $100 a head after April 7 and are even pricier at the door. You can view the full agenda from the Daily Deal Summit East website.


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